3d warehouse diversion!

I just came to upload a model to 3D Warehouse from my Model Page, only to be diverted to the 3D Warehouse Opening Website Page. Restarted Browser, Restarted Machine, Logged-In again, but still the same.

I have the same problem, go to this link :
3D Warehouse

It still takes me back to the 3D Warehouse Home Page Staff Pick Models, etc.

copy paste the link here

try this on chrome,that work for me

With this

RedC130 - You’re a Star! - IT WORKED! - I’m up against a deadline too! - Seems as though Trimble decided to fix something that wasn’t broken!

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Glad it worked, save this link somewhere if this problem persists :wink:

I saved it straight away, and locked the file!

What version of SketchUp are you using?

2016 Make

But, uploading direct from Browser NOT from SketchUP!

A number of SU 2016 users have reported this and it seems to be related to IE or Safari needing to be updated.

Crossed posts.


As I said, I am not Uploading from SketchUP 16, so we can rule that out. I do not use IE or Safari either. Attempts made from Machine 1 using Google Chrome and Machine 2 using Safe Zone. My Landline Telephone Tablet (Onboard Android Browser) can still access the Upload Function, but is not a practical solution - Everything was fine until yesterday.

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Are you still seeing this issue? Can you post a screenshot of what you see right after you click the ‘Upload’ button? You would be redirected to the home page, but an upload process should open: