3D Basecamp is back on! Tickets on sale now

3D Basecamp’s Curious Creatures Competition is open!
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Create a digital orca, robotic t-rex, or even a new species! Inspired by nature’s boundless imagination, our Curious Creatures Competition is your chance to model some truly original animals. Ten lucky finalists will have their models exhibited at 3D Basecamp’s Augmented Reality (AR) exhibition, and the top three modelers will snag prizes.

Get curious; get the glory; get the prize. Head on over to the competition page for details on all the contest criteria and how to submit those imaginative designs. And heads up: we are accepting entries until June 30th, 2022. So make sure to get your submissions in on time!

The models will be exhibited using SketchUp’s AR viewing technology for 3D Warehouse. SketchUppers at 3D Basecamp can scan a QR code and transport themselves to your unique creature’s dimension. Make sure to capitalize on 360-degree viewing for people to fully experience your masterpiece!

If you haven’t purchased your 3D Basecamp ticket yet, now’s your chance! Join fellow designers and modeling experts this September at 3D Basecamp to celebrate all things SketchUp.


Do you need financial assistance getting you or your team to Basecamp? If so, let me know! We are offering a limited number of scholarships to help people make the journey. Send me an email at 3dbasecamp@sketchup.com.


That’s very generous!

It’s the least we can do. We know people have been through a lot over the past few years.

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First time attendee and I am very excited! I filled out the google form for the hotel room and have yet to hear anything. I just want to make sure it went through and I am not stuck out there without a room :sweat:

Will time-turners be available on site?
I am filing out the schedule and its just impossible to attend everything I would like to see!


Ha. Had to look that one up. Been awhile since I’ve seen/read Prisoner of Azkaban.