Can't select rotation points I need to make component dynamic

Not first understanding the basic functions of inferencing and using SketchUp’s modeling tools, before attempting to tackle something complex.

Back to basics:

SketchUp User Guide: Introducing Drawing Basics and Concepts

As I said, DCs will rotate around the component’s origin.

So either you need to draw the component around the model origin, before making it a component, or be able to use inferences, to change the components axis (right-click “Change Axis”) after it is a component. (The latter will only correct the “In Model” component definition, not the component file in your local collection on disk.)

Now the hinge must be made up of 3 sub-components. The pin and the frame leaf which would not rotate, so they’d be wrapped into a component attached to the frame.

… and the door leaf, which will rotate with the door. So I’d put 3 of them into a hinge set component, and that into a “door wrapper” component (which has the same origin as the hinges set.) Into this wrapper I’d insert a door component.

The wrapper is what the user clicks on with the DC Interact tool, so it needs to have a “OnClick” attribute (as given above.) The wrapper and it’s sub-components, the door and the door side hinge leaves, will swing open. The hinge pins, the frame side hinge leaves, and the door frame will remain stationary.

It is always hard to envision things with words alone. Posting a cropped image from a screen shot helps.

Phillip, are you still using SketchUp 15.3 ? SketchUp 16 has an overhauled inferencing system.