

Dave Cooperstein combines his training and skills as an architect and creative designer with his life-long love of the performing arts. He brings his passion for storytelling, sense of humor, and flair for the dramatic to all his projects. In Dave’s 26 years at PGAV Destinations, he has had the joy of master planning, designing, writing stories for, art directing, and building museum exhibits, animal habits, aquatic biomes, immersive media, and thrilling theme parks around the world. Having evolved from using pen and paper, Dave pushes the boundaries of new technology in 3D modeling and visualization in order to provide his clients with the most compelling and beautiful choices. When not at the office, Dave can be found performing as a professional actor, juggling, escaping from rooms, or as captain of the trivia team.

Dave graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and a Bachelor Minor in Drama, and then received his Master of Architecture degree from the University of Texas at Austin.