What Will SketchUp Make Import?

Making some progress! I imported the MakeHuman character (DAE) in to Blender, and fiddled around in an ignorant manner until I could see textures on the model. Then I exported out of Blender (DAE), and imported in to SketchUp Make.

Here’s an image which shows the results. MakeHuman screen shot on left, Blender in the middle, SketchUp on the right side.

So I have the textures on the character in SketchUp now, but the skeleton is showing through the textures.

I’m guessing (hope I’m wrong) that there is no way to hide the skeleton in SketchUp, so it’s back to Blender for some kind of adjustment. No idea what though.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments in this incredible story, the longest slowest file transfer in the history of 3D!!! :slight_smile: