What Will SketchUp Make Import?

Thank you for confirming this TIG, and for helping out in this thread, appreciated.

Ah, good news. I had tried running the model through Blender, but probably wasn’t doing it right, as I know nothing about properly mapping paths in Blender. All I really know about Blender is import and export. I did learn today how to get textures to show in Blender so that’s a start.

Thanks to you I now know that Blender conversions can work, so I’ll focus on learning how to make that work. Thanks for that!

As luck will have it, Chipp Walters offered some good beginning Blender tutorials in another thread which I have downloaded and will dig in to.

Thanks for keeping this project alive TIG, as I really want to get MakeHuman in to SketchUp, but was running out of ideas.