Technique for creating 3D models from real world objects

I have been involved in a hobby project for the past four years or so using SketchUp to create a high-fidelity model of an actual object - the Viking '75 Mars Lander spacecraft. Two were launched in 1975 to Mars and both landed successfully in 1976. Here is a video I created last year about the process I use to create the digital 3D model. Here is an album of 2D images of the model, as a work-in-progress.

I am trying to faithfully re-create a detailed model with fairly high accuracy (on the order of a millimeter or two wherever possible). This makes the creation process very slow (for me anyway). After somewhere between 1000 and 1500 hours, it’s less than half done. :slight_smile: As mentioned in the video I’ve had the great fortune to visit a number of remaining Viking test hardware components in museums and captured over 1000 direct measurements (here are some examples), and I’ve taken about 3500 detailed photographs that I use for reference (here are some examples) to estimate dimensions where needed. I also acquired a set of assembly blueprints that have been very helpful for the core spacecraft body.

Here is a topic in this forum’s gallery section on the spacecraft components I am currently modeling.