Sketchup vs. Autocad

Like people said before of course this is a SketchUp forum. I will just speak for myself. I started 25 years ago with autocad, worked a longtime with MicroSation, switched to Vectorworks and started with SketchUp. First combining Vectorworks with SketchUp using SketchUp only for quick 3D presentation. More and more shifting towards SketchUp and now for more then a year I only use SketchUp, Layout and Skalp. Why did I made this move? And the answer are just some simple keywords… Fun, generic, simple, powerful, natural and cheap. Did I already mentioned fun? The price is the less important but it’s the cherry on the cake. If I need to choose again today and the price for both was the same I choose SketchUp! No thats a lie. I look for an other one thats less expensive.

SketchUp is like a pencil. It’s just one simple tool, easy to use and you can draw anything with it!

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