SketchUp Diffusion: Share your Feedback

Stable Diffusion features a way to control how materials are assigned to areas of a drawing. It can be leveraged to be used from a Sketchup Model by assigning colors to aces and objects. It should be implemented on Sketchup Diffusion:

SketchUp & AI - StableDiffusion, Automatic1111, Controlnet and segmentation colors - Corner Bar - SketchUp Community

Another way to affect only the areas of images you want to change is inpaint, like in Photoshop:

Beginner’s guide to inpainting (step-by-step examples) - Stable Diffusion Art (

The third way of controlling that the image gets repeated is by having a seed. This seed should allow the AI to repeat the “ideas” from a previous generation. Of course if it repeats them, but the model changes, the effect should not be the same.

I’ve been asking for these 3 features since the beginning, as I think they would allow Sketchup Diffusion to be much more useful for final production or even only for getting your vision on screen in a faster way.

Until then, it can be used mostly as a iteration on random ideas. It’s very useful for that.