Ruby code to print multiple copies of the current view (in Landscape)?

Please verify, you are using SketchUp 8 M2 (ver 8.0.11752) or is it SketchUp 2018 (ver 18.0.16975) ?

As an aside, Mozaik should not be distributing copyrighted software without permission from the copyright holder.

The SketchUp API does not expose functions of the Print dialogs. However, on Windows you can use the WIN32OLE class to leverage the Windows Scripting Host’s SendKeys method. Then perhaps send keys to set the paper orientation and number of copies.

Use the ruby code to simulate a mouse click on the sub-menu in menu

This is easily done, but it writes the images to files.

Examples …

[Code] Example: Saving Iso views to PNG image files

In this example from an old topic, the call to open a savepanel could be removed and a fixed path string used instead …