Request for help scaling, moving edges

That’s so awesome Dave. Going to try it out tonight. And I’ll make sure the rectangle “cutting” plane is way bigger than the pentagon and that none of the lines go outside of the rectangle bounds! I’ll let you know how i do! :+1: Scott


Hi Dave,

Happy Easter if you celebrate! Success! I was able to follow your example and create the pentagon and pull lines up to a single point and then using a large rectangle intersect faces and then delete the not needed pieces. Im going to work with this technique going forward. Thanks again David. ScottScreen Shot 2020-04-12 at 11.47.42 AM

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Hi Scott,

Happy Easter to you, too. I’m glad that worked for you and that it seems like something you can use going forward. You might also give some consideration to design possibilities using non-flat cutters, too. The shape you create with the pentagonal-based pyramid (I suppose there’s a different name for that shape) could be made as a single group or component. And you could use another solid shape as a cutter and use the native Solid Tools, Eneroth Solid Tools or BoolTools2 to trim or subtract the cutter shape from the planter shape. That might take you down a road you don’t want to go, though. :smiley:



That sounds really cool! You know I’ll try that!!! Have a great day.

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