Medeek Wall

Version 2.6.9 - 01.22.2022

  • Added an additional layer for furring into the Layers tab of the Global Settings.
  • Fixed a bug with Door tab (HTML) of the Global Settings.

!!! Critical Fix !!!
The HTML file of the Door tab of the Global Settings was updated back in October (Version 2.4.9). However at that time it appears that this updated version of the file somehow did not make it into the compiled codebase. I just discovered this today and have moved the file into the correct location and released this latest update which corrects this oversight. My apologies that this bug was introduced in the first place but it pains me further that it took until now to actually discover it. Please upgrade to this latest version to resolve this issue.

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Guess I didn’t notice this bug. What was the problem?

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The problem was as described in the Critical Fix section but chances are most people did not notice it since the global settings is actually not used as much as one would think.

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Version 2.7.0 - 01.23.2022

  • Enabled custom materials for cavity insulation.

This update was per customer request.

I thought I had provided enough options with materials for insulation but in some situations other options might be desirable.


:smiley: Awesome


Just loaded up SU 2022 Pro on my PC and promptly installed all of the plugins.

So far I’m not seeing any issues running 2022 with any of plugins, of course far more testing is required but so far so good.

It appears that SketchUp finally fixed the signature algorithm issue which caused an invalid signature if text files were modified within the plugin folder. This is very good news and the source of some frustration for me with prior versions (although not any sort of deal breaker). I can’t seem to find any mention of this change in the release notes but it does appear to be the case…



My fingers are crossed!


We’ve not made any changes in this regard. I’m not entirely sure what this issue pertains…


It seems that something has changed because when users create a truss or wall and the log.txt file is updated in the plugin folder SketchUp is still reporting as a valid signature for that plugin. However I do need to test this further to confirm.

Version 2.7.1 - 01.27.2022

  • Converted the door preset system to a Hash data structure.
  • Converted the garage door preset system to a Hash data structure.

!!! WARNING !!!
This update will require deleting and recreating any door and/or garage door presets. This update will not affect any other preset types (ie. walls, windows, etc…)

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What preset systems have NOT yet been converted to Hash structures.

Would appreciate answers for Foundation/Truss/Electrical as well – in their respective topics.

Thanks in Advance!


Currently only the Wall plugin has presets (ie. Wall, Windows, Doors, Garage Doors). No other plugin has been enabled with any presets.

So with that being said this latest update brings all of the preset system up-to-date. Any future preset systems in the Wall plugin or any other plugin will use this new system (hash structure).


It seems like a lot of users don’t realize that there are usually updates available for the plugins they have installed. Please update your plugins to the latest versions to receive the latest features and bug fixes.

You can bookmark the links below to quickly see what the latest version is:

@medeek , question for you. I think I could sort this out myself with enough time, but I’m in a crunch right now, so I’m asking you and the hive. Is there a “simple” way to add purlins to the wall assemblies? As per usual, I’m abusing your program to do something odd (making a sales desk), and some (what we will call) purlins would be a godsend. If not, I’ll just throw them in manually, but it seemed like something I was missing.

I think what you want is the horizontal rainscreen.

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Window preset not working. When loaded, all basic option fields are blank. See attached for window preset file causing the issue. I’ve also attached the wall with the window I tried to make a preset from. (Note: I deleted my preset files upon upgrading to the latest version.)
GABLE_WALL_ASSEMBLY_20220128132444.skp (403.1 KB)

WINDOW_PRESETS.txt (769 Bytes)

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I’m looking at this right now.

It appears that the error in the preset file is created with the window preset when a new window preset is created within the Window Edit Menu. Now I just need to compare the two preset creation blocks of code and figure out why they are different. It is probably a typo, I just checked the door presets and there is no discrepancy there. Give me a few minutes…

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Version 2.7.2 - 01.31.2022

  • Fixed a bug with the window preset system within the window edit menu.

This bug existed within the window edit menu when creating a new window preset. Any window presets created prior to this bug fix may need to be manually removed from the window preset config file. This can be easily done by editing the file with any basic text editor (ie. Notepad).

Properly configured window presets will begin with the following character string “b1=”. If the preset does not have this specific string followed by a number (the preset number) it is corrupt and should be deleted from the preset file.

In Microsoft Windows the presets are found here:


The window preset file is named:



Never have I ever reported a bug to any software developer and gotten a reply, confirmation, bug fix, and software update pushed live all in under an hour. And you’re a 1-man operation.

You’re doing incredible work, and it’s much appreciated.

Thank you!