Issues in generating dynamic components

thank you very (!) much for that suggestion!
your hints are very useful!!! :smiley:

in the attached file, you can find all my actual DCs.
on the green area are those, that DON´T loose any options and components after saving and reimporting.
on the red area are those, that mostly loose their options/attributes.

remarkable thing, that all “false” ones have in common: it is only the ROT-functions that get “damaged/erased”…no other sort of functions.

perhaps important to say: I ALWAYS save my DCs by rightclicking and “save to…” - and then I reimport them from my component-window.

in hope to get an idea of what i could change…greetings from Germany.

hmmmmm… I had to delete all working examples from my file, because it was too big to be uploaded (3,6MB).
So here you find all 6 DCs that loose ROT-functions when I import them from the components window.

dynamic components - only non-working ones.skp (1.6 MB)

Rotations should be nested in their own component, you can use a group if only one rotation function, but for deeper nesting always use components for rotations (one nesting for each)
I nested the rotations in your examples and added a few concepts
dynamic components -fixed ones.skp (1.7 MB)

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It is good to have a ‘working file’ which contains the actual component. This way you can see how the component ‘acts’ or looks when ‘dragged’ in another model.
The workflow displayed here is for developing content for the 3D warehouse, but the same aplies for collections of components in your workenvironment.

More info:

Did you ever find a solution to this? I have this problem regularly and cannot get my XYZ or ROT formulas to stick. Sometimes it works but more often it does not and I find myself resetting and blindly clicking hoping to get lucky.

…the reply by pcmoor from January 27th is the best hint in my opinion.

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