How Do I Script Pushing a Face To The Opposite Side of a Box?

It still says SketchUp Make 2020. There is no Make edition for 2020 !

Do you understand this ?

# Given a face referenced as: face1
pt1 = face1.outer_loop.vertices[0].position
# Fire a ray in the reverse direction of face1's normal vector:
result = model.raytest( [ pt1, face1.normal.reverse ] )

# Check the result. nil if failure:
if result
  # The point that the ray hit:
  pt2 = result.first
  # The face that the ray hit:
  if result.last[0].is_a?(Sketchup::Face)
    face2 = result.last[0]
    # Distance between pt1 and pt2 (on face2):
    dist  = pt1.distance(pt2)
    # PushPull in negative direction: