No success so far.
Downloaded the rep from here (version 5.03)
Replaced line 352 (not 353) with
VALUE top = rb_define_module("RG");
and line 354 with
VALUE mod = rb_define_module_under(top,"Clipper");
Also updated version.rb with
module RG::Clipper
# Keep first two components sync'd to Clipper's major/minor.
# Last is our build number based on that. Hopefully there
# won't be too much churn re: Clipper's version vs. the bindings.
VERSION = "5.0.3"
Then I run
rake install
but i get the error
rake aborted!
There was a NameError while loading clipper.gemspec:
uninitialized constant RG from
/Users/ruggiero/Downloads/rbclipper-master/clipper.gemspec:4:in `<main>'
I have also tried without any modifications to the files.
Once i have replaced ‘vector_salad’ with ‘clipper’ (no idea what vector_salad means) in the clipper.gemspec file and commented
s.licence = "Boost Software License - Version 1.0"
because of no method error, it seems to work fine.
I have tried to move the ‘.o’ (there are no .so created) files from the gem folder created in my plugin folder, but no success. The require ‘RG/clipper’ does not give any error, but then Clipper is not recognized.
Honestly, I have spent a few hours testing various things, but i am really lost at this point.
Any tip?