"This topic will automatically close in 3 months."


I read @Jody’s post as informing us that he can set things up to base the closing on <xx> days after the last activity, not that he has set things up that way - and asking us if this might be a good middle ground.

Thus I’m not surprised that this is not yet observable behavior.

And BTW: Jody, I think that’s a good middle ground. Not perfect, but far better than closing 3 months after initial creation of a thread.

I’m curious when Jody started on the high doses of estrogen.

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Oops! I made assumption based on my cultural connotations on his name without noticing his avatar picture! Post corrected.

This is correct. I’ll go through and set them all to be based on last activity promptly.


On the assumption (quite possibly premature) that you have done this, it appears not to have been applied to topics which the previous “Close 3 Months After Initial Post” has been applied. Had it been, then this topic would be showing that it will close in 3 months (since the last activity is today) instead of the 1 month that it is showing.

IMHO, the correct action - if possible is to change all topics that have the old (since topic creation) criteria to the new (since last activity).

This topic was automatically closed after 91 days. New replies are no longer allowed.


I can both see the a text saying the topic is closed and see an enabled Reply button. Is this a sage thing or is it the same to everyone?

Also I’m still wondering what this feature is good for. There have been several examples of posts that never gets irrelevant. Are there any examples of these undesired “zombie” post replies?