NOTE: Do not copy the registry settings between SketchUp versions.
Especially those versions without trays and those with trays.
(1) Log onto the “fresh standard profile”
(2) Install all the allowed plugins.
(3) Open all the toolbars that you wish displayed when SketchUp starts, and dock them where they need to be.
(4) Open any inspector tool windows (Layers, Materials, Scenes, etc.) and place and stack them where you wish.
(5) Close SketchUp so all the toolbar and window locations are saved into the registry.
If you cannot log into the “fresh standard profile”, ie, if it is generated “on-the-fly”.
Then you may be able to do like anme suggests, …
(1) Create a new user profile, and log into it.
(2) Install all the allowed plugins.
(3) Open all the toolbars that you wish displayed when SketchUp starts, and dock them where they need to be.
(4) Open any inspector tool windows (Layers, Materials, Scenes, etc.) and place and stack them where you wish.
(5) Close SketchUp so all the toolbar and window locations are saved into the registry.
Then open a command prompt, and use the REG command to save the “SketchUp 2015” hive to a reg file:
REG EXPORT "HKCU\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015" "relative/path/from/current/dir/su2015.reg"
(It is easier to change to the destination directory first.)
You now have a reg file, you can import into any profile with:
REG IMPORT "relative/path/from/current/dir/su2015.reg"
Or, you could edit the file and change all
which would import the settings into a machine’s default user, and any new user created (on that machine,) will inherit those settings.