Working with layers, all objects explode

And I’ve never seen the hairdryer hanging in the air, hahahahaha…

Those are components that are still in your In Model components collection. I just dragged them in from the Components window.

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Ah, oké… But what is going wrong in my Sketchup file then? I’m using 2018 Pro… And they do explode…

You need to share the file that includes the exploded components. The file you did upload to DropBox doesn’t contain anything that shows the issue you are having.

Most likely scenario is that you’re trying to draw while active on a layer other than Layer0. This isn’t advisable, as it means parts of an individual component or group could be associated with more than one layer. Turning off one layer could, if this is what’s happening, result in part of a component disappearing and appearing as if it is exploded.

I recommend drilling down into each and every component and group and placing all of its faces and edges onto Layer0. Groups and components would be put onto layers after that. This will allow you to organize your model as desired, without any unintentional missing pieces or interferences.

See, layers only help with visibility, they don’t actually isolate your groups and geometry from other layers, so they will interact.

OK. Got it.

You have numerous edges and faces associated with layers other than Layer0. Since layers do not gather or isolate geometry from interacting with other geometry, that’s a bad practice that can lead to very confusing results.

The edges and faces associated with the Muren layer are not in a component, but there is a component definition of the same name in the model’s collection. If I drag a new instance of this definition out into the model, it does not explode. Perhaps you didn’t check the box to replace selection with component when you created this component?

Regarding the numerous component definitions visible in the components window, which I presume you obtained from the 3D Warehouse, it is always a good idea to download a component from 3DW into a separate model and check it out for issues such as excessive detail or wrong scale before adding it into your model. There are lots of models in the 3DW that are way too detailed for reasonable use as “entourage” in your model.

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Ah ha! The penny drops! @Deckers62, you are using layers incorrectly but that doesn’t mean the components are being exploded which is what I was concentrating on.

Just sharing this wth you, need to rad your comments still though.
This is what the bathroom looks like. I just put it in the living room. But for example.

Other than the incorrect use of layers, I wonder if you are referring to the Hidden Geometry being displayed. Go to the View menu and untick Hidden Geometry.

I thought you were just messing with him based on semantics. :slight_smile:

I’m not messing with anyone. I believe the OP is not a “him”.

Right. That became obvious when you said you were focusing on the exploding components instead. :slight_smile:

Wow, thanks to all of you! It’s a lot to take in…
And I DO think that, since I’m new to this whole layer thing, I id make some huge mistakes.
I know it’s just for showing, in my case to the architect. And that the layers work in different ways.
I really have to study all your comments. Hopefully I will find out what I did wrong.

On question, although one of you maybe answerd already: as I’m improting stuff, I always tick Layer 0? Not Bathroom for example, when I’m working on the bathroom??

stop doing that.

Read up on layers here.

@mics_54 Stop doing wahat? making another layer active than layer 0??
@DaveR and @monospaced: I’m a “her” :slight_smile:
And 56 years old and learning something that I’ve never doe in my life. This is meant to be our future home.
And I don’t feel messed with. Just helped.

In general, it’s good to just keep Layer0 active all the time, no matter what. You can certainly “move” components and groups to different layers using the Entity or Layers dropdown at any time. If you have the Bathroom layer active (ticked), anything you create while it’s active is associated with that layer. That means that even if you assign a group to yet a different layer, what you drew is still attached to bathroom. That’s why it’s best to just stay on Layer0.

I think the best practice is to leave Layer 0 active at all times. Import components or draw your own as needed and only afterward assign other layers to the components. This will help you avoid forgetting to make Layer 0 active when you need it to be. By leaving Layer 0 active at all times, there’s never any need to be chasing the active layer which makes the work flow much easier.

Guys!!! I got it, I think.
I unticked Hidden Geometry. And all the exploded lines vanished…

But… all your oher comments were very usefull too. And I will reread them and follow the link.
If stuff still doesn’t work, van I come back for more help?


so your objects weren’t exploded. They were just displaying hidden geometry.

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