Working in FrameForge which only imports Version 6 SKP. Is there an exporter for this?

Working in my very favorite Previz software and have used the 3D Warehouse for many things in the past but it seems that the latest version of Sketchup doesn’t allow for legacy exports. Is there a way to export an older version format of already designed and produced art?

You want to save a SketchUp model as version 6? Use the Desktop client version and Save as…


Nothing is called that specifically. If you are referring to the Pro, that is something that is neither in budget or what I need at all. Anything that is at a lower cost at all?

What about SketchUp 2017 Make? It has the same Save as… options. Like SketchUp Free, it is available for non-commercial use. If you are using SketchUp as part of your work, you must use SketchUp Pro.

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