Will this computer work for 2018?

Its a laptop at a pawn shop:

WIN 8.1 Pro
NiVDiA GeForce

Will you still be using SU 2018 free / online? The information below is aimed towards SU 2018 Pro users.

What CPU does it have?
Which nVidia graphics card with how much memory?
128GB SSD is too little for the OS and programs, the SSD won’t last as long due to it’s capacity (search SSD’s on youtube, if you feel you need to).
The RAM is probably OK to get along with, but more wouldn’t hurt, especially if you’re planning on rendering and such.

Only you can answer the following questions, the answers will influence your choice of hardware:

  • What are your SU expectations / usage?

  • How big / heavy are the models you make?

  • What is your time worth to you?

That’s not enough information to judge the suitability of the computer.

Here’s what you need to know…

SketchUp Hardware and Software Requirements

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