Where to report bugs?

Hi, I just found that the spanish version of Software de diseño 3D | Modelado 3D en la web | SketchUp has a wrong link that takes to https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/es/ while the right address is https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com.

See the screen capture:

Where is the right place to report this bugs?

This would be of interest to @AlexB, SketchUp Community Manager

Thanks @Geo for the Shoutout.

@javi_gomez Thank you for your feedback. To answer your question on where to report bugs, how you labeled it for this post works great: “Sketchup - Technical Problems”. As for your other issue, unfortunately I am not able to replicate that. When I go to Software de diseño 3D | Modelado 3D en la web | SketchUp and then click 3D Warehouse, see screen shot below:

It takes me to: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/

I would suggest going to Sketchup.com and scrolling to the bottom and clicking Spanish, see screen shot below.

Then, when you go up and explore the menu, it should take you to accurate links. Also, an FYI to you, if you find yourself on the English version of 3D Warehouse by going to: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/ you can also scroll to the bottom of that page and change the language from there, manually. See screen shot below.

Thank you for your post!