What should i do if i want to develop other people's extensions?

Sorry that i can’t find any tips about how to add my signature or copyright of the code i add in other people’s extentions. Is there any rules about it ?

it’s normally commented right at the start (top) of the code

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Extensions are copyrighted © by default.
Some clearly also say ‘all rights reserved’ - so you should not reuse any of their code without express permission from the original author.
Others say that they allow the code to be modified and/or reused, provided that the original author is given credit.
In these cases it’s normal to add a header to the files, explaining ‘ownership’ and what has been changed etc, by whom and when…
If it’s few lines start each with a # - this will ‘comment out’ the text so that Ruby ignores it.
If it’s a longer paragraph, then you can start it with =begin and end it with =end [at the start of their own lines] - then the text between those markers is commented out in a single block.
If there is a particular method you have added you can also add a # explanatory note next to it, these ‘comments’ are also useful when you or others come to change things later, and you might not remember what things do, or how they work exactly !

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Hello Zephan,

Editing & modifying other people’s Extensions / Plugins is my #1 recommendation for learning how to code.

Also, keep in mind that even though “original” authors may have copyrighted © their code, they themselves copy snippets from the Ruby API which I am not sure we can ever claim as our own.

I recommend asking programming questions for people like @TIG, @thomthom, @DanRathbun, @eneroth3, and other SketchUp hero’s to help you.


I think all intellectual property is copyrighted, unless explicitly states it is in the public domain. I’f I’m not mistaken “all rights reserved” doesn’t really mean anything but is usually printed for historical reasons. Unless otherwise stated all rights are reserved by the creator.

That said many plugins have an explicit open source license, e.g. MIT. When it has, check what the license says. When it doesn’t I’d recommend to ask the creator.

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Before copying anything you haven’t created your self, check if there is a license that allows this. Otherwise you cannot re-distribute the work.

If such a license is missing, ask the author. (I’m sure it’s missing from a number of my extension projects.)

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Just for the record, when I post “examples” in forums I do not expect that they are copyright, but then I also do not imply and warranty on them.


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