We need your input about our Live Streams!

Couldn’t agree more, time to show how to use the free version properly.

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Right? It’s intended as the accessible modeler for the masses, but there is basically nothing teaching the masses how to use it. It’s a real need if Free is to gain traction.

Ooh! I think I like this idea!! Thanks!!

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Is there a live model along today?

Sorry… nothing planned for today… we are reeling it back in… once or twice a week for the time being. Please join us on Friday, though!

Dang… ive missed most of the Wednesday seshions… thanks for getting back to me. Appreciated…

I like that approach. I have received a lot of help from viewer response while Aaron was modeling. Those going out of their way offline. The Skill builder/Quick Win series are awesome too. Maybe throw in a Layout segment (Advanced) every once in a while. We certainly don’t want Aaron and Cody to burn out. What Trimble does here is unique and not really practiced elsewhere in the industry. Thank you for all of the great work. Please keep it going.

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I already miss the live streaming! thank you very much for your time, tips and tricks in the past 2/3 months!
I have learned a lot from everything you have shown me
Thanks again @TheOnlyAaron @jody!