We have been waiting for

-Import pdf

-Ability to dual dimensions (metric/imperial)

Get a Mac or make a screenshot of the pdf and import the screenshot instead, or use Inkscape to convert.
In LayOut, you already can choose different dimensions (decimal,architectual)

Mac’s not for me…and I do use inkscape but in this day and age importing a PDF should be basic function.
When I said dual dimensions…I wasn’t referring to the ability to choose either or…I was referring to an option where when you dimension both format show up…like you can do in the various CAD programs…seeing layout is becoming a big option for presenting plans. See attached image.

I practically don’t use CAD anymore, so having little features like those would seal the deal for me and I am sure lots of other person’s.

MikeWayzovski https://forums.sketchup.com/u/mikewayzovski Member
April 9

Get a Mac or make a screenshot of the pdf and import the screenshot
instead, or use Inkscape to convert.
In LayOut, you already can choose different dimensions

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What are you showing us? 1’ 6" is certainly not 0,5m (it’s almost 2 inches short) so the application you show doesn’t support “dual” dimensions either but someone has just added the faulty text by hand.
In LayOut you can put two dimensions next or on top of each other, the other in a metric and the other in an obsolete format.

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:smile:, …obsolete format

I took a pic of a PDF…the person who did the dimensioning obviously used the wrong conversion for whatever reason…but that wasn’t the focus…the focus being the possibility to have a primary and secondary dimension without having to dimension twice or manually adjust the dimension text…if it is possible please guide me because I haven’t seen the option and I use layout on a day to day basis

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