Validity error on Mac

hi, I’m currently using the 2017 sketchup make version on my MacBook Air running Mac OS High Sierra (10.13.1). when I am saving my work, an error appears saying:
“Problems were found that could not be fixed!*** The entity at address 20c0380 has an invalid id (0) destroyed(0)”

this is not the first time the message appears… can someone help me out?

This error most often happens after you have imported a bad model from the 3D warehouse, though it can happen at other times too. Always download 3dw models to a blank file first and inspect them carefully for issues such as excessive detail and tiny geometry.

As to the error report itself, it is a confession that SketchUp has corrupted its geometry database (no entity should ever get id 0) and the only fix was to delete the offender. If the model looks ok afterward, just carry on.

thank you very much!

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