Uninstalling extension shows 'mark_as_uninstalled' message

Update on this. After some testing I determined that the Extension Manager core expects a NULL result from the mark_as_uninstalled() callback. So in a subclass override for the callback, if the last line is return nil, the core is happy and does not spit out the frivolous type error message.


Perform operations in a plugin when its is being uninstalled - #7 by DanRathbun

For all extensions the "Tools/extensions.rb" would need to be updated by Trimble (or the EM core.)

Developers (who are not subclassing SketchupExtension,) could modify their SketchupExtension objects individually by defining a singleton method override in the registrar file to prevent the frivolous message in older SketchUp versions.

This will only work for extensions with such an override:

    # After creating the SketchupExtension object referenced as EXTENSION:
    EXTENSION.define_singleton_method(:mark_as_uninstalled) { super; nil }
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