Turn Styles off?

Simple and stupid question, how do you turn off styles

There’s always got to be some style. You can’t turn everything off. What are you seeing that you don’t want to see? You can go to the Styles Edit tab and make changes to the style.

I’m sure its simple but…I just want the default with no pencil lines etc. I thought there used to be a default style in the styles library that reverts back to that.

Many thanks

change your Template in Preferences to use one of the simple ones…


Sure there is. Look in the Default styles. If you’ve managed to change your template, you can fix that by replacing the current style with the default of your choice or edit the style and save as a new template.

As @DaveR mentioned, you can edit the style however you like in the Styles windows. Simply click on the Edit tab and change any part of the style you like!

EDIT: Man… two replies while typing mine… things move FAST around here!

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