Trying to download sketchup

Try this that Dave said to install theframework manually then run installer again "as administrator " it should skip the step

Can you confirm you are:


Its just that your browser looks like an older one to me, more like the old internet explorer than the microsoft edge on windows 10 that my laptop has.

I hate sound dumb but I’m not sure how I know that

I feel stupid I have windows 8! I am not sure why I thought I had 10

ok in windows 10:

At the bottom left the screen is a windows icon (square button)
Right click and a menu pops up
Left click “system”
The window I showed you should pop up
Take a shot of it it will help I think

No worries, just get the shot please.

Ok it seems you have the correct 64 bit installer for your system, that’s mainly what I was concerned about.

On the link above is the requirements for sketchup 2017, I think you should be ok in that respect. Apart from the 3d graphics card but I don’t have anything special :wink: and my 2015 works ok, the only problem you may have are crashes when using because of the graphics card but not installing.

Ok I am no expert but am trying my best here! This is what I suggest:


Try that and see what happens, make sure you get the installer from the sketchup website

When I download the frame work software and try to install I do not get a option to install

the Microsoft one that dave suggested?

Click the big red button on the page it will download, go to downloads and run it from there. This is for windows 8 and older that’s how I knew you didn’t have windows 10

I give up I don’t understand why I can’t install this software when everyone else can! I guess it’s just not meant to be

Yes sir

You’ get there it’s just a hurdle to cross that’s all. Problems are there to be solved.

Don’t give up have fresh try tomorrow.

Start with the post I sent with the Microsoft page image, do that first an install the framework.

Then above run through list IN CAPITALS.

I will be on tomorrow and there’s plenty of people to help you out on here too who I’m sure will get you up and running,post again after you’ve tried.

By the way you might want to delete the image of your windows 8 screen as there’s a boy in the background. Keep your privacy, the world will see it.

Yea I had to stop for today before I broke my laptop in a hundred pieces! One day I hope I can afford a mac and quit with the virus filled windows computers

Been doing this for 10 minutes with no progress

Ok, it’s your computer then and not simply Sketchup. I’m assuming you right clicked and ran as administrator and internet is ok.

You could try a different browser such as google chrome, I had problems in the past with explorer.

Other than that there’s a multitude of problems you could have

Update windows?
Enough space on hard drive?
Computer may simply need a good clean up

just guessing, don’t run any installer from the web but download to e.g. the local Windows desktop and launch the setup routine from there.

Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable required by SU 2017 too.

If everything fails open the SU setup file with a ZIP archiver application, rip off the main SU setup file “SketchUp2017-x64.msi” to a local directory (see above) and launch.

If you don’t have a ZIP archiver or don’t wanna download anything you can also rename the setup file from e.g. “SketchUpMake-en-x64.exe” to “” and open with the Windows Explorer (read only). Don’t run from there again but copy to a local directory before.

don’t use/run any cleanup or worse ‘tuning’ tools, they tend to make things worse or do scare users to upgrade to a ‘pro’ version…