Trouble importing .dxf into sketchup

SketchUp automatically creates a Face when Edges meet certain conditions.
When a Face fails to form it’s because one or more of the conditions haven’t been met.

• The Edges must form a closed loop.
• All the Edges must be coplanar.
• No stray Edges, coplanar with the closed loop, project inside the loop.
• The Edges are not too short, say <.002" in length.

If you inadvertently delete a Face you can heal the Face by simply tracing one of the bounding Edges, endpoint-to-endpoint with the Line tool.

Creating faces in a 2D CAD import can be problematic due to minor errors in the CAD linework.

Here’s a collection of handy plugins for CAD import cleanup and the typical order in which they’re used.

  1. Repair gaps and lonely edges using Edge Tools²
  2. Run MakeFaces
  3. Cleanup stray lines

Installing Ruby Plugins (Extensions) — SketchUp Help

Edge Tools² by ThomThom²

*Edge Tools requires a supporting plugin, TT_Lib²

TT_Lib² by ThomThom²

Once the edges are repaired, run MakeFaces.

MakeFaces v.1.400 by Todd Burch

*MakeFaces requires a supporting plugin, Progressbar.

ProgressBar v.1.000 by Todd Burch

Once faces are created, you can try cleaning up a bit more with these…

CleanUp³ by ThomThom³

*ThomThom’s CleanUp³ requires the same supporting plugin as his Edge Tools, TT_Lib²

TT_Lib² by ThomThom²

StrayLines v.1.000 by Todd Burch

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