I know this isn’t rare, but I’ve been getting this error message since Thursday. I checked and it looks like the servers are all operational with no issues. So I’d love to know how to resolve this.
I can’t save the project I’m working on (I have to download it with each tweak/adjustment/phase of work), I can’t open my previous projects (much less access them in any way).
What server are you saving to? I just opened SketchUp for web and opened a file which I modified. and saved. It saved immediately without any errors or other messages.
If you are downloading them to your computer you should be able to open the files from your device.
I can download only the project I started and am currently working on and I can only access it because I downloaded it on Thursday. When I open it from my device, I then have to download back to my device after working on it. All previous projects are not accessible to do anything with.
But I guess it doesn’t matter - I just tried again and all of my projects are accessible. I’ll open the other one from my device and save to Connect.