can not locate Toggle Terrain button from menu bar (missing)
It’s on the Google toolbar. Do you have that toolbar deployed?
It’s also on File > Geo-location > Show Terrain.
Or change the layer visibility…
Menu View > Toolbars > check Google (icons: Add location … / Toggle Terrain / Photo Textures / Preview Model in Google Earth)
The second icon to toggle between terrain layer and snapshot is activated once one or both layers exist. However it only works properly with existing terrain layer (=toggling it on/off) or with both layers existing (=toggling between both).
Both layers are created once adding a (geo-)location.
hey thank u for the information but i still cant find the toggle train too
@Juma, look for this toolbar and the marker icon: (Toggle Terrain)
The toolbar can be found in View > Toolbars > check Location
(The name used to be Google in SketchUp versions prior to 2016)
and thank u so much i got it
It’s not on the Large Toolset. Open the Location toolbar as shown by Wo3Dan.
i got guys thank u so much am working now i really appreciate
another question when i want to export my topography i cant find DWG to save it into am getting to option collada file and google eath file and i dont think i can import that in revit ?
Are you using SketchUp Pro?
yes it is the one am using
Look in File>Export>3D Model… Choose AutoCAD DWG File from the list of file types.
i only get two list collada file and google earth file
i dont have autoCAD DWG FILE
It doesn’t look like you’re using SketchUp Pro 2016. Notice SketchUp Pro 2016 is clearly indicated in my screen shot. Yours doesn’t show Pro. SketchUp Make doesn’t include DWG export.
may that is why because i am using the student version but it is sketch pro 2016 but it is different from that one of yours