Thomas With Indian-head pennies

Just a doodle for a Sunday morning. I call it Thomas.


In reality is there mirrored text on these blocks? :wink:
Nice model.

Good eye, sir. And thank you.

I’m still waiting for someone to tell me why I call it Thomas. :wink: Surely someone will know.



The closest I get is that it’s unbelievable what one can lift with these blocks, even Thomas can’t/couldn’t believe it. But nah, that’s not it either, I guess.

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No. That’s not it, either.

Don’t tell me that I’m right…

Ok, so you didn’t.

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OK. I won’t. :smiley:

I looked at sailing wooden blocks but don’t have a clue whatsoever! When will we know?

I’ll give it a little time. Maybe a sailor will chime in.

I also thought of Thomas who came to India as a carpenter.
Last guess would be Jefferson, but I don’ t see the connection with the pulley…

Yeah right, Thomas Cook.

Nope. Not Thomas Cook.

Nor Thomas Jefferson.


Ah! Now things become even more confused

Ewbank ?


Took image off (copyright slap)

Not Eakins, Not Ewbank. Not Hamm. Good tries, though.

The answer is a person?