Switch extension into native tools

I think it’s about time that Sketchup natively integrated some basic functions that still today we have to go looking for in extensions created to make up for serious shortcomings of the original Sketchup (free google), but that today, all things considered, it is a bit disappointing and shameful to still have to plug with external resources functions such as slice, or connect lines, just to name the first that come to mind.
Some extensions are particular, they add specific and specialized functions: it is right that they are paid separately for those who want them. But many extensions (even paid ones) are limited to adding basic functions for any modeling software, which today Sketchup (which has not been free for a long time, and whose price increases every 6 months) should include natively. Years and years just to add the Mirror function?..
I hope for an awareness in this sense.


How about providing a list of the extensions that you think should be integrated as native tools.

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What a weak statement!


Actually, mirroring can be done without an extension.

Please see my reply in this other topic.

Exact. Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.

Mirroring_ideas.skp (62.3 KB)

I created this file in 2011 when there was no Flip Tool and the trick was to scale along the intended mirroring axis with a scale factor of -1.

Extensions that do not perform complex multi-step operations, but perform single editing operations:

Slice/Cut (cut a group, solid, along a reference face)

Connect/Extend lines/curves

Select Path: select solid lines while dragging the mouse, after clicking only on the first line

Solid Inspector

Align Entities (3 axes/points on 3 axes/points)

Push Line

Some functions of Edge Tools2


Join PushPull

Bevel or Round Corner

Circle on 3 points

Auto-positioning of a selected face for Follow Me orthogonal to the start of the selected extrusion path, similar to one of the basic functions of profile builder. You select the face (wherever it is), you select the path (wherever it is), and you perform the extrusion without the constraint of the relative position of each other, which is a big limitation.

Face Creator

Flatten to plane

Material Replacer

I believe these are features that are used in every single job, multiple times, by many users. I have not included in the list the single-function extensions that may interest only a smaller part of users, for being too specific.


Note: now. For years, you had to use an extension.


he means that scaling something at a ratio of -1 mirrors it. that’s the way a mirror tool works

nah. I see 6-7 in your list I never use, and an additional 2-3 I may use a couple times a month.

The whole point of sketchup is that it’s like a toolbox you buy at your hardware store. We all get the same starting stuff, and then we can add tools to it.
In my analogy, what you’re saying is “well I’ve been using this toolbox for years and all these extra tools I use all the time should be in it by default”.


Scale using -1 ‘mirrors’ anything… Always has.


In my case, you are preaching to the choir. Even now with SketchUp’s latest version, I consider it a good ten years behind the curve. They need to get to work and make this a truly effective CAD package.

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Here’s a good place to start:

Move important Layout features into Pro, and get rid of Layout.

Allow right-click grouping of single entities (lines, circles, etc.)

For dimensions, add "baseline dimensioning, and add angle dimensioning.

Make zooming in and out consistent, in contrast to having cursor on an object when zooming in or out.

Cutting openings in layered solids, such as walls with siding and paneling.

Right Click an object to access and edit all properties!!!


Bezier Curve

OSNAP needs substantial improvement. Look at AutoCAD OSNAP options.

Group selection for actions, such as Push Pull

Enable pasting objects from the Windows clipboard

Line drawing option to specify line to be perpendicular to the surface of an object.

Add a tool to shape objects, groups, and components, which should include the ability to add nodes to the shaping window.

Just chiming in to say I’m fully in favor of more native tools, while also knowing full well this thread was dead on arrival.

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