Current problems:
1> Increasing regularity of Text and Dimension tools being unresponsive. Close, re-open to re-gain functionality. Never experienced this in 16 years. Started happening about 6 weeks ago.
2> More recently, I am unable to work for more than 30 minutes without a crash. 2 instances last night, another one just now.
Of note: new Windows gaming laptop within the last 6 months, so well padded for memory, speed, and excellent graphics performance.
Also: discovered file allocation is now defaulted to the cloud, by someone else’s dictation. Could this constant sending of backups via internet be triggering the crashes? I’m on Starlink, so internet is pretty stellar, normally.
There’s just no pattern to point to as an obvious tool or operation that’s causing it. Seems completely random, other than loosely 30 minute intervals. Backups were changed from 5 minutes to 1 minute to minimize my re-work time in response to this issue in the meantime.
Any other suggestions, or is SU Pro 2023 just imploding on itself and I have no choice but to dump it for 2024? Are you all happy and rolling smoothly with 2024?
I grow weary of the tool re-arrangement game that goes on year by year, so I’m the last to change anymore. Updates to SU are like preparing taxes to me, anymore. Again, re-work and time consumption and re-learning tool functionality is frustrating and inefficient.
I would love to have a reliable program again.