SU 2019 crashing when finishing certain actions

I am trying to trace over a 2D floor plan I received from Auto Cad and im turning into a 3D model. Lately i have been having an issue when I finish an action it will suddenly close the program without saving. For example when I trace over a rectangle/square, the initial click to start the rectangle works fine but when I click to finish it SU immediately closes. This only happens with certain objects but the specific object will always close the app when I try to trace it. Sometimes SU manages to recover my unsaved progress with other times it does not. Please help.

Do you get a Bug Splat when this occurs? If so, have you been sending them in with some sort of info that would link them to you?

When you installed SketchUp, did you install it correctly? That is, did you right click on the installer and choose Run as administrator from the context menu? If not or you aren’t sure, quit SketchUp and LayOut, find the installer and do that. When it pops up, select the Repair option.

Your profile lists two graphics cards. Which one is SketchUp using. You can check in the Nvidia control panel or in SketchUp under Window>Preferences>OpenGL. You’ll want it to be using the Nvidia card. A Windows update might have set it the Intel GPU instead. We’ve seen that in the past.

I don’t get a Bug Splat, SU just completely closes as soon as I click without any kind of warning.

I did not use Run as administrator but I have repaired the the installer before. I will Run as administrator and see if the helps.

SU is using the Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 but I’m not quite sure how to change it to Nvidia.

I thought maybe worth to mention that I’ve done similar projects like this one before and never had this issue until this most recent project.

This kind of behavior seems to be indicative of a graphics card/driver issue.

You definitely don’t want to be using the Intel 630 if you have a choice. Open the Nvidia control panel by right clicking in empty space on your desktop.

Then in Manage 3D Settings, add SketchUp.

Since this is recent change in behavior, I would be suspicious of some update pushed by Microsoft. It’s not uncommon.

If you can, find another similar CAD file you can import and see if doing the same sort of thing can be successful. If so, that could indicate an issue with the CAD file. I’d deal with the graphics stuff first, though. Also while you are doing it, go to the Nvidia site and make sure you have the latest drivers.

Updating my drivers now and hoping for the best, if not ill use another CAD file. Thank you so much for all of the help!

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It would be interesting to see if you get different results with this CAD file and another that is similar.

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