Sorry, we seem to be having problems finding your models...SketchUp Shop

I just purchased a years subscription to SketchUp Shop so I could add a topographical .dwg file to my house design. Now, after spending $119, I can’t open any of my (free) SketchUp models in SketchUp Shop. I’m getting the message, Sorry, we seem to be having problems finding your models… I’m working on a MacBook. What gives? Any solutions? Thanks in advance!!


Messaging a SketchUp Team Member for assistance might help.

And there is more of a chance that a team member who can fix such issues, will see this if you reassign it to the correct category (which they may be monitoring.)

To change it’s category, edit the topic thread title (pencil icon to the right of the topic title,) and use the category drop down selection list. (If you type “web” in the filter box it’ll make the category list shorter.)

EDIT: Moderator reassigned the thread.

Thank you Forestr and Dan. Thank you Moderator for reassigning the thread. Still have trouble opening the files but have reached out to technical support as Forestr suggested. Will report back after hearing from them. In the mean time, and additional suggestions are welcome. David

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a killer in a professional usage case…

Hi @Diar,
I’ll send you a private message to get some more information.

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