Sometimes The Freehand Tool is the Way to go


Scary example. What is the connection to the ‘Freehand’ tool?

Nearly the entire thing was drawn using the Freehand tool.

And you should always keep your free hand in your pocket when sticking a knife into a mains power receptacle. :crazy_face:


Talk about dry humor…

Dry is best. Wet tends to be too conductive.


I’ll bet you’re pretty good with etch-a-sketch :smiley:

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Not as much as I used to be. My hands get shaky.

Simply fantastic example ! :rofl: :see_no_evil:


And we all know what happened to Vincent van Gogh when his free hand got hold of the freehand tool.

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Reminds me of my childhood…
I did that once with a 5 inch nail when I was about 5 years old. There were even plastic “child protective” inserts in the outlets that didn’t stop me :grin:


You need to insert two nails simultaneously to bypass the child protection…

Or first push one into the ground (earth) connection.

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I’m assuming for the sake of accuracy the kid has his left hand in a toaster and is kneeling in a puddle.


I couldn’t draw the toaster, though.


And the next logical scene.

Hidden due to annoying nature of the gif



As a 6 year old, I stuck a fork in an outlet - next thing I knew - it was stuck in the ceiling above me! …didn’t help my drawing abilities though.


My little brother did that about 50 years ago. I took a big divot out of the table knife. But we kept using that table knife through the remainder of our childhoods, as kind of an object lesson at every dinner.


As a relative newcomer to the accidental electrocution club, I’d like to offer some fresh perspective and some tips.

  1. Outlets can interfere with proper accidental electrocution. Opt instead for live wires.
  2. When finding which wires go to which breaker, best practice is to always label the breaker. But if you do this “almost always” or “most of the time” you’ll be creating more optimal circumstances for future accidental electrocution.
  3. At some point select a phrase like, “ah, it’ll be fine”, to reassure yourself of your chosen course of action.
  4. Glibly work around exposed wires. In my case, I tiled a floor. Latter work or other tasks might be right for you.
  5. Find the right distraction. In my case I was using a phone to take pictures for a friend who taught me how to do trim ‘back in the day’. That allowed me to back into the wires without having to think about it. Don’t try too hard to find the right distraction: let the right one find you!

I’ve updated my SketchUp model for future reference.