Something comparable to the Excel functiuon copy/paste as values?

Is there something comparable to the Excel function copy/paste as values in Sketchup? Essentially taking all of the large memory usingt tasks out of the model and locking in place. Example lots of components that randomly change position would stop doing that and stay in their established place.

I would love to see an example for this.

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[quote=“robclasen, post:1, topic:9288”]
…lots of components that randomly change position would stop doing that and stay in their established place
[/quote] What if you lock them? vs. What do I miss, give a better explanation please?

Np. Here is an example:

If I make a blood vessel. Then make a blood cell. Set it as a dynamic component. Set component attributes RotX, RotY, RotZ, X, Y, and Z so that they randomly distribute within the blood vessel. Make 500 copies. Group as a component. Redraw. Then, is there a way to remove the dynamic component functions because I do not need them to redistribute again. Locking does not do this.

So the question, in general, is really about trying to stop a model from taking memory when it is no longer necessary.