Sleepless Night

I have an adjustable (cresent) wrench that is both metric and english is you flip it over! :grin:


And tape measures. :wink:

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A door with a glass panel. Nothing close to the quality of the work done by Box.


@Box v @DaveR on a Friday if the normal hosts are sick again would be worth watching. Not sure if the time differences would work though!:innocent:

Nah!, according to the weather forecast “from @DaveR himself” he will be sleeping for another six weeks (groundhog day), waiting for spring to come.


A folding chair in English brown oak. This is loosely based on a design from the 60’s by Aldo Jacober.


Excellent ! You can never go wrong with simplicity in design. :+1:

Thank you. I agree. Simple is good.

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Back to working on this steam engine. Still have the steam valve, piston, crank rod and a few other bits and pieces. The reversing gear on this one is tricky to align. That’s the lever on the left and everything it’s connected to.


Looking excellent so far. I always wonder what the real word application would be for these mechanical marvels of yours.

Thank you. Based on their size I expect the real world use is mostly to sit on a shelf and collect dust. I suppose these days you could connect them to a generator and use them to recharge your phone.


Some of the designs you have built make me wonder if things like steam cars (that were manufactured into the 1920s) had engines like that as they needed something that packed the power into a small space.

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Not knowing much about steam engine development, I wonder if these small engines were “proof of concept” models. They could then be scaled up for use in various industrial applications. I really don’t have a clue. :thinking:

I expect some of them could have been proof-of-concept models. A few of them are experimental designs. The one with the big ring and the X-shaped one fall into that category. The wobbler engines are surely just toys. Many of them are just designed for home-shop machinists to make. Even the ones that are based on historical models seem to fall into that category.

I have modeled some things, not full steam engines, that are based on dimensioned drawings for the original full sized objects.

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More progress on the latest engine. It’s hard to show all the gubbins. Trying a different but dead simple approach.