Answering my own question … NO. I loaded all the language packs and ran SketchUp with each one.
Only English and the 4 Asian language builds use ALT+W.
@sWilliams Here is code to get the shortcuts:
# The shortcut that displays the Window menu:
def get_local_shortcut
case Sketchup.get_locale
when 'en-US', 'ko', 'ja', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW'
'%(w)' # ALT+w <W>indow, asian builds have a (<W>) suffix on menu name
when 'es'
'%(n)' # ALT+n Ve<n>tana
when 'pt-BR'
'%(j)' # ALT+j <J>anela
when 'fr'
'%(f)%(f)' # 2nd ALT+f, <F>enêtre, ALT+f also <F>ichier (File) menu
when 'it'
'%(i)%(i)' # 2nd ALT+i F<i>nestra, ALT+i also D<i>segno (Draw) menu
when 'de'
'%(f)%(f)' # 2nd ALT+f, <F>enster, ALT+f also <F>unktionen (Tools) menu
when 'nl'
'%(v)' # ALT+v for <V>enster (a guess)
when 'cs'
'%(d)' # ALT+d for <D>ialogová okna (Dialog Windows)
when 'pl'
'%(){RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}' # no shortcuts defined
when 'ru'
#'%(О)' # U+041E Cyrillic Capital O for <О>кно, Latin O doesn't work!
'%(){RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}' # tested good w/ Polish
when 'sv'
'%(f)' # ALT+f <F>önster
else # unknown
end # case