SketchUp Diffusion: Share your Feedback


Could be 2 cows?

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Its really cool how you can create anything now… Long Cows … amazing hahah

for some reason, 2d perspective view doesn’t work. It kept reset-ed to 3rd perspective view

Save out your 2d view as an image. Then import that image into a fresh skp file. Set up your orth view to that image and try.

Agree with the feedback regarding retaining existing finishes. Did a test with a dormer project when the remainder of the existing building will not be changed. tried a few command variations to retain the painted blue render but without any luck.

When including an additional to an exiting property retaining the existing ascetic would be a big help.

For the few internal perspectives I’ve tried it’s a little better as it’s finishes to a not yet constructed space.

base sketchup image here:
Diffusion external base

I am finding the same issue, working on an exhibition stand with branded graphics as textures in the model, I can’t create a version of the diffusion visuals that retains the same materials/textures, no matter the negative prompts tried.

Have you tried making a temp copy of your file, strip it of all textures and then do your prompts with colours etc from there?

yes I did, it does work better , but then it obviously makes the entire process longer as the two versions need to be overlayed

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I am confuse, there’s lots of general information about AI, but how do I actually use it? Where are the instructions please?

Start by going to the Extension Warehouse to search for “Diffusion”. Read the information presented there. Install it and then start the extenion. Follow the prompts.

Note it requires SketchUp 2021, 22, or 23 and a current subscription.

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and Yes I agree for the materials as it ignores the material applied to the model and so as then interior layout. nice highlights tbh and realistic. just need to be more specific

Feature Request: a way to see what settings were used to generate a particular image, and to make them active again if you wanted to use them for a new run.

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THE COOOLEST extension to date.

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Hi everyone,

I wanted to jump in the thread to let you know that our team is looking very closely to all the incoming requests. So far I am hearing that:

  1. Diffusion should respect the materials and textures that are already defined in the SketchUp model. Follow-up question to everyone: would you like to be able to specify which materials you want Diffusion to respect, or it would typically be all of them? How about the Default material? Would that be something that Diffusion could identify as unspecified material and would therefore be open to interpretation?
  2. Diffusion should be able to generate images for Parallel Projection and Two Point Perspective as well. Follow-up question: Would it be important to be able to add the generated image as a Scene in your SketchUp model or would you simply export that image and use it elsewhere? Sidenote: this is something you can already try on the Diffusion version of SketchUp for Web, and SketchUp for iPad. The Desktop version has some challenges we need to address which is why we are currently forcing the Perspective mode.
  3. Diffusion should maintain a session history that saves the prompt, and the settings that were used. How would that history be beneficial for you, and would it be helpful to see that history when you reopen a specific model, or even see all your history across models?
  4. Diffusion should allow the user to iterate on top of a generated image through conversational prompts. Are there other ways you would like to iterate on a diffusion-generated image after it has been created?

Please let me know if I have missed something or if I have interpreted something in the wrong way.


It has potential but turns everything a “sad beige”. I do Interior Design and spend hours curating the correct colour schemes based on client requirements and Diffusion decides to completely disregard the materials and turn everything beige. There is no consistency of materials either - look at how different the wallpaper is in each of the renderings…

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it could be like the geometry / prompt option. being able to have diffusion either respect materials / colours, or not. in that case, neutral material should be considered as the actual colour you gave to it (many people use it as such)
or a Double choice, Respect materials and Respect colours
say you apply a white square tile material, first choice would respect the aspect of the white squares with dark borders, while the second would mostly respect the global colour (and see it as light grey, like when you switch to shaded)

how about putting it in the scene description ? that way, even days later, even on a different machine, you could find the infos.
Capture d'écran 2023-12-20 183847

This has been amazing to play with!, It would be great if it could be integrated with photo matching and photo match textures to be able to add the renders to real world locations!

Answered in the other thread:

I am not sure about the idea put forth here about “highjacking” the scene description property. This could disrupt user workflows or other extensions.

Another reason is that often a user will render a scene in numerous ways, not just according to one set of settings.

I am not against the Scene inspector panel displaying a list of descriptive name properties for the render prompts and settings, when Diffusion is installed.

  • Ie, a name is one property that is currently missing from the interface. As an example, a user might do a series beige shaded renders and assign names that begin with the prefix "Sepia: "
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