stuck at account setup

Hello, i have been trying to setup a trial version for sketchup through After i click the “try sketchup” button and i select the category of use (personal, education, proffesional…etc.) i get sent to the “let’s get to know each other better”(not sure of it’s exactly written like this but it’s somehing similar to it). I fill in the necessary information but after i click continue i am resent to the same page. I tried different browsers but it doesn’t seem to work. Does anyone know the source of the problem?

I am going through this process to activate a trial version for the sefaira plugin for Revit. If anyone knows an alternate way to do that i am open for suggestions.

You could download and install SketchUp from this page:

Open SketchUp and you’ll see something about sign in to start your 30 day trial. Follow the instructions.

I doubt that it will give you access to the Revit plugin, and even on Sefaira’s own 30 day trial page there are questions about how to get the plugin.

@niraj.poudel may have ideas.

@EdmondMickel Have you been able to install the SketchUp trial version yet? Or is that constant loop still in effect?

You can actually start a 30-day trial yourself, via the SketchUp Studio trial. This will also give you the entitlement for Sefaira for Revit. You’ll need to do the following:

  • After signing up to the trial, you’ll be prompted to create a Trimble ID - this is necessary for the entitlement

  • You then need to download and install SketchUp 2020, and launch it to sign in with your credentials. When you launch it for the first time, this triggers the Sefaira trial entitlement.

  • Here is where you can download and install the Sefaira extensions.

  • Please note these modelling guidelines to ensure that your model is set up correctly

Let me know how you get on with the installation and start of the trial.

Thank you for the response. I will try your suggestion and see what happens