SketchUp 3D Basecamp and COVID-19

14 day of just relaxing alone on the hotel room and adjust to the time difference before you have to meet other people :smiley: . Jokes aside, but I think Israel is taking some quite extreme measures compared to other countries in general.

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I went and looked up the SARS time line (as something to compare to). It was less 4 months from the initial travel alerts to when they were lifted… if this is anything like SARS, as alerts started in February, we will likely be well cleared by September.


An interesting discussion on the SARS vs. COVID-19 epidemics:

Since SARS was such a severe virus (10% fatality rate) more extreme measures were taken to stop its transmission. Containment of COVID-19 has essentially failed at this point and now it is more about slowing the transmission and mitigation.

I think the real take away is that incubation of the COVID-19 is longer and transmission can occur before a person is symptomatic, hence it is much harder to prevent the spread of the virus when you don’t even know who is spreading it.

From some reporting, the 1918 pandemic had an initial flare up, had a lull during the summer, and then came roaring back in fall/winter. This may take more than 12 months to play out.

Today, I was just about ready to head off to school to teach my class, and the school decided to cancel after school classes today, and all classes for the rest of the week, with teachers instructed to figure out how to carry on the curriculum by remote learning. The following two weeks are scheduled spring break, but I don’t know what happens after that.


I’m scheduled to present at the AIA National Convention in May. I’m starting to think it’s going to get cancelled given Coachella and stagecoach both just got cancelled.

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I heard they were going to relocate to a cruise ship.


The number of infected jumped from about 400 to 1000 in about three days. Unless the government does get more serious about this we might see exponential growth and this will really become a pandemic. The next two weeks and the actions taken will be critical.

I wouldn’t be surprised, many states are now talking about outright banning of gatherings of over a 1000 people (or less). Whether we like it or not this is the new reality, at least for a few months.

Basecamp for people born on even dates in one half of the building and for those born on odd dates in the other? Then we could maybe be just 1000 on each venue.

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Depends on the size: :bathtub: vs :ship:

Also cruise ship,… are you in?

My county is now “advising” against gatherings of 50 or more people. While it isn’t (yet) an official order, it make commuting problemattical for many - a full load in a BART car including standees is over 100!

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Sweden just banned events with more than 500 people today :confused: . Not a recommendation but a law. Fingers crossed this thing is over soon.


Things are going to get a bit crazy in the next month or so. I’m hoping this thing blows over soon so we can all get back to our normal routines, but I guess no one really knows. There are only three confirmed cases in Utah right now but the universities are already gearing up for the shut down and the government is starting to take measures to help suppress the spread.

I’ve already pulled my kids out of high school and middle school, can’t take chances with my daughter right now. I’ve stopped going to the local gym and any other public places with any sort of gatherings. I only go to Walmart for groceries after midnight (open 24/7) to avoid being around a lot of people. Essentially we are self isolating already due to our specific circumstances.

In the State of Utah alone we have 3.1 million people. The flu virus typically is 1 death per 1000 however the COVID-19 virus is approx. 34 deaths per 1000. If all 3 million people catch this bug we are possibly looking at approximately 100,000 deaths in Utah in the next few months.

Hopefully the spread can be contained so that its not widespread across the state, otherwise the medical system is going to be completely overwhelmed. The largest hospital in Utah only has 500 beds. Where are you going to put 100,000+ patients?


Far most patiens can safely stay at home.
It looks like are taking the right precautions, giving the circumstances you and your family are in.

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The WHO pandemic declaration said at least until the end of April. I’m sure they will reevaluate at that time based on how it plays out, especially whether it follows the flu pattern of decreasing during the warmer months. It’s still a long time until September!

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Don’t forget as half the world warms up the other half moves into their flu season. So a worldwide pandemic actually doesn’t have warmer months.


True, though you southern hemispherians at least have time to put measures in place before your season arrives.

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Oh yeah and we are doing such a good job of that, panic buying of and hoarding toilet paper, as the rest of the world collectively holds its breath, we quietly soil ourselves.
I kid you not, even ‘Jimmy Brings’ a home delivery service for booze will deliver rolls. Ok, so that’s 5 buck for the whisky and 53 for a preloved slightly damp roll of the good stuff.


Hope your family are doing well and can hang out with a lot of nice people over social media and similar.

Princess suspends all cruises for two months. — NYT