Sorry All. What’s the sequence of steps for debossing shapes into a curved surface?
I’ve placed a single letter tangent to the surface; exploded it; pushed it into the solid; but I can’t get the faces to intersect.
Sorry All. What’s the sequence of steps for debossing shapes into a curved surface?
I’ve placed a single letter tangent to the surface; exploded it; pushed it into the solid; but I can’t get the faces to intersect.
Maybe you could share some SKP file that shows what you’ve tried to do?
Sorry Man, yes of course – attached here, thanks.
I got it right by accident with the top ‘D’, but then like an idiot, couldn’t reproduce ti with the second one, rotated to the left
Button v301.skp (2.6 MB)
I don’t see any letters in your model.
Those letters weren’t present in the file you shared.
It looks like you made an embossed letter, though.
Since it appears you are trying to learn how to use SketchUp, why don’t you start with a simpler model?
You should also correct the face orientation. All those blue faces are reversed.
Wonder if i sent the wrong files? Sorry, sloppy.
Button v304.skp (2.7 MB)
A 2D shape such as a character or logo can be either raised from or depressed into a contoured surface, or the outline of the shape can be cut into the surface. All three effects use a similar procedure, whereby you make a “cookie cutter” with the shape by extruding it with Push/Pull, then plunge the cookie cutter into the contoured surface to some depth, then use the Intersect Faces command. Thereafter, excess geometry is removed to produce the desired effect.
Fix the face orientation first.
Thanks - well expressed! That’s what I was trying to do. I couldn’t get the faces to intersect. Still not sure how i fixed it… Thanks!
Dave, do you mean angle the letters so they are a neater tangent to the curved surface into which I’m pushing? Yes that would be higher quality work…
Tks again.
No. I didn’t mean that at all. I wrote this before but you evidently missed it.
I’m just too ignorant to understand what it means. Apparently my guess was wrong…
Faces have a front side and a back side. Fronts are white, and backs are light blue. Faces should always be oriented with respect to the camera (your eye) so that only face fronts show; face backs are turned away from the camera. This means that your model should appear all white (when you’re done with it or ready to print it).
Gully’s got it.
It might be a good idea to slow down a bit and learn some of the fundamentals. Less frustration.
Aha! Thanks very much for that! I’ll try and figure it out (really, I will!) when I have a second (see next post, reply to Dave).
Thanks Man – yes it would! Like in the old joke, I’ll slow down as soon as i have time… yuk yuk yuk. I’m racing a sort of deadline – this is an Xmas present and I need to get it to the printer today or else Santa won’t get it done in time…
Really appreciate your help… thanks so much…