Screen Image disappeared

Laundry Cabinet.skp (966.3 KB)
I am using Windows.

Do you know which Windows? 7,8,or 10?

Iā€™m using Windows 10. Itā€™s a new computer, so it must me the newest version.

That is identical to the original file you uploaded. I fixed it by moving some text objects and deleting some text. Download the file I uploaded above that ends GM. When you click it, it will go where your downloads normally go. Find the file and open it in SketchUp. You should see what @mics_54 posted above i.e. youā€™ll get your model back minus a few text objects.

Please bear with me. Are you saying that I need to go to my DOWNLOADS to find this file?

Yes. If you clicked on the ā€œLaundry Cabinet GM.skpā€ above in the 17th post in this thread it will download to your computer. You then need to find it. I donā€™t use windows so canā€™t give you exact instructions as to where it will go. Itā€™ll be in your normal downloads folder.

Clicking on the file link here should open it AND save it in his downloads folderā€¦
in windows 10.

OK, Iā€™ll go back and click on it again. It may already in there already and I didnā€™t realize that I had to go to downloads to find it.

OK, I found it in DOWNLOADS, clicked on it and re-opened SU and It was right there.

I am very thankful to you all for your patience with an old-timer and a novice

If you put your cursor in the lower left hand corner of your screen and RIGHT clickā€¦ a black menu will pop up. Go up to ā€œsystemā€ in that menu and click it. It will open the page that tells you all the information about your system.

Iā€™m glad you got there in the end :slight_smile:

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