I just installed Sketchup Pro 2017 and RubyTMIX 1.2.1 on my Mac. When I try to export to T:ANE I get a error message
missing TrainzMeshImporter.exe and rtmipp.exe. I Installed RubyTMIX according to the instructions but Mac doesn’t use or recognize Windows exe files. What do I need to do to fix the problem and Export to Trainz?
a PC, unless someone made a mac version…
That doesn’t help, besides I do own a PC. Both programs are for Mac.
Why don’t you ask on the Trainz forum? Surely someone there can tell you. Although you may have installed Ruby TMIX correctly, from what you wrote in your original post, it looks like you need to be using a Windows machine because it is looking for the exe files. If you know it works on Mac, go back to the source and find the appropriate Mac files.
I had a look at the site and the download and it requires
Microsoft .NET 2.0 Runtime (usually part of your Windows OS)
and contains 2 .exe files, which as you pointed out OS X can’t run…
there may be a mac version but this one isn’t it…
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