Rendu / Rendering

L’ancienne technicienne en dessin à mon travail a fait de super beau modele de mobilier, par contre quand je les ouvre je ne suis pas capable d’ajouter des lignes, des mesures, ect. Donc j’importe son projet dans un template de cette façon je peut changer les dimensions. Par contre le visuelle est affreux et je ne sais pas comment le changer. Merci

The previous drafting technician at my work created some very beautiful furniture models. However, when I open them, I can’t add lines, measurements, etc. So, I import her project into a template; that way, I can change the dimensions. However, the visuals are terrible, and I don’t know how to fix them. Thank you.

Looks like you need to edit the style on your end. The screenshot on the right appears to show the model with edges turned off. In yours the edges and especially Profile edges are visible. In order to edit the model you need the edges visible but after making your edits you can turn the edges off in the Styles panel. Try doing that in the original file.

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