Remap middle mouse key (SOLVED)

I have seen allot of topics during the years regarding the inability to rebind middle mouse button in sketchup.
Since almost all of those topics are closed I am making a new one with a solution to the issue.

After lots of trial and error and begging on forums I managed to find the following.

You will have to use separate program to rebind the desired keys.

1: Download AutoHotkeys ( AutoHotkey Downloads? )
2: Install the program
3: Right click inside a folder in your pc and create a new AutoHotkey script
4: Right click on the file and click edit
5: In the editor type the following script
6: Save and double click on the file to run it


Send {Shift down}{MButton down}

KeyWait, LButton
Send {MButton up}{Shift up}


This part remaps the orbit tool. So Instead of holding middle mouse button
it changes that to ALT + Left Mouse click


This part remaps the Pan tool. So instead of SHIFT + Middle mouse
It changes that to CTRL + ALT + Left mouse btn

Send {Shift down}{MButton down}

KeyWait, LButton
Send {MButton up}{Shift up}