Question about licensing (SketchUp generated book cover image)

I have no idea where to put this, so I thought I’d drop it in the main sketchup group.

I’m an amateur author, with an enjoyment of doing my own covers for things, I’ve recently started my second sci-fi novella, and to get an idea of it in my mind, I used sketchup to create a model of one of the ships in the story (To scale, no less, that made me oddly happy).

My question is this: Can I use an image of the model as the cover of my book with the intent to sell without needing a commercial license, or would I need to purchase a license to do so without violating any copyrights?


What version of SketchUp did you use? If you used SketchUp Make (our free, hobby version) then as long as you are not using SketchUp often or recurring to make money - that is where it becomes a bit sticky - it should be ok. You are only using one image/model, correct? If you used SketchUp Pro then it is definitely a-ok for you to use.

If you downloaded something from 3D Warehouse and you wanted to use one of those models, [those are a different set of rules.][1]

[1]: Terms of Use | 3D Warehouse

I’m using Make, and would only be using a single image (with a certain amount of editing) for the cover, possibly something along these lines:

No part of it has been downloaded from the 3D warehouse, and the intention is purely as something to put on the cover of the story, it’s the bit on the paper inside I’m intending to hopefully make money on :smile:

Thank you for the help.

the cover is obviously part of a book and therefore a commercial SU Pro license is required if using stuff created with SU in connection with a product for sale… at least according to the SU Make EULA:

Updated End User License Agreement covering both Make and Pro editions of SketchUp: