Problems starting Sketchup

I have a paid SketchUP Pro license, however, the program does not start.
He claims that the program is installed on multiple computers although this is not the case unless hackers have stolen my identity.

if a subscription license tied to your registered email address (and not a discountinued perpetual license w/ license data) login to the Trimble AMP, go to “My Products > SketchUp Pro” and remove the product activation from all devices, then logout/login from/to inside SketchUp.

Thank you very much for your help and support. I have to finish an urgent project to animate a ship rescue system like Ever Given in Suez. I have the program installed on my workstation. However, when a colleague started my old workstation last week with the intention of reinstalling Windows 10, problems seemed to arise. There is no way we can remove the past installation and maybe the program remembered the past installations that were still in Windows 7 and then the upgrade to Windows 10 on the same computer. Is it possible to rent which computers carried licenses? There is still a problem with the installation and it looks like the office in the Netherlands is also closed today because they have a King’s Day tomorrow. I am a Sketchup user since version 4. But the fact that I have not been able to use the official program for a week is really unacceptable.